Lol. Yep, mom’s a Brit. I still use “theatre” sometimes instead of “theater.”
the nunes memo has been released!!!!.
Lol. Yep, mom’s a Brit. I still use “theatre” sometimes instead of “theater.”
the nunes memo has been released!!!!.
....oh, and now I’m a member of the “cult left,” at that. An amusing, as well as idiotic characterization. LMFAO. 😂😂😂
the nunes memo has been released!!!!.
@ “Jahalepeno”
All the cult of the left has is petty insults and nit picking at grammar on an Internet forum.
Make snap judgements much?
I correct your grammar, and suggest you’d be a good fit on the Trump team (it’s true I don’t care for him), and NOW I’m suddenly a LEFTIST!! Let’s see...
1992: I registered as a Republican and voted for Bush Sr.
1996: I supported Bob Dole (you might see a pattern here already...I like war vets, not draft dodgers).
Registered as an Indepenent
2000: McCain
2004: Kerry
2008: McCain
2012: I backed Jon Huntsman (former Reagan staff member who hates Russian commies as much as I do).
2016: I backed John Kasich
Yeah, I guess I’m a commie, Russia-loving LEFTIST alright!! 🙄
So is that where we’ve come to? Don’t support Trump, and suddenly get LABELLED as a member of the Oliver Stone LEFT? Wow, just WOW!!
I can’t help but think of how, among JWs, there is such a huge DEMAND placed on them, to accept all doctrine 100%, without question or cristicism, or else be LABELLED as an APOSTATE. How ironic is that?
As Trump would say, “SAD!!!”
the nunes memo has been released!!!!.
If I was Trump, I would open every thing up for all to see!! Then fire ever bastard involved in the lie's!!!
It’s “every,” and “lies,” with no apostrophe needed. Also, you probably meant “everything,” and not “every thing.”
No, you’re not Trump. However, I’m willing to bet he’d hire you.
those of us here wasting our time trying to show who trump really is .... it's like trying to reason with all those still in the organization.
they have found a new person to fill their heads with lies and control they way they think.
in many ways this ts amazing to me.. i am out of the wbts and free.
I just happen to see now a great emergence (especially since Hillary lost) of a totalitarian left,
Please codify THAT?
I’m not exactly a Hillary fan either, but how do you tie her LOSS to a “great emergence of totalitarianism from the left?” The executive branch=Republican President. The House AND Senate=Republican majority. The Judicial is Ideologically split, for the most part. I just fail to see specifically HOW they can be regarded as “totalitarian,” even if they wanted to. They don’t really control anything. Please enlighten.
my first thought when seeing this headline was; "how could trump be right?
" even though i am registered as a republican, i don't really care for trump.
after reading the article, i still don't care for trump, but i had never considered many of the points brought out by the article.. january 17, 2018. what i learned in the peace corps in africa: trump is right.
Ah, the inevitable plucking of examples from 400 years ago "what about when they conquered America and killed the Aztecs?!?" See, Christians are exactly the sa
@Simon. If you’re referring to MY example of Catholics vs Aztecs, I absolutely did NOT say that it makes modern day CHRISTIANS equal to ISIS, or Al Queda, or Hamas, or Al Shabab. There IS another poster on this thread making such a charge, but it ain’t me. Not by a country mile. There are some deranged “Christians” out there, but we don’t see them going from house-to-house, decapitating men in front of their wives, then raping the women in front of her kids, as ISIS has done in recent years. I would never, in a BILLION years say that present-day “radical Christians” are EQUAL to radical Islamists.
my first thought when seeing this headline was; "how could trump be right?
" even though i am registered as a republican, i don't really care for trump.
after reading the article, i still don't care for trump, but i had never considered many of the points brought out by the article.. january 17, 2018. what i learned in the peace corps in africa: trump is right.
Hey Freemind, are/were you in the 24th IR?
my first thought when seeing this headline was; "how could trump be right?
" even though i am registered as a republican, i don't really care for trump.
after reading the article, i still don't care for trump, but i had never considered many of the points brought out by the article.. january 17, 2018. what i learned in the peace corps in africa: trump is right.
I meant to post this as well. A potential silver lining, and in my opinion, the main reason we are seeing the reforms (however small) that ARE actually taking place in Saudi. It’s not because they are following strong US leadership (that ended with Reagan, I’m afraid). Rather, it’s because they’re going broke & actually have NO CHOICE in the matter. Ha!
Also, this book:
emoirs of a Saudi Pilot: In the Beautiful State of Alabama (Usa) By Al Hassan Ali Al Neami
. I actually met the man while in Riyadh. Pretty cool guy. Like a lot of Saudis who have ventured out of country, he knew what a backwards system his country had. But, he has to go through the motions...mandatory prayer 5 times a day, or ELSE get arrested by the Muttawa (religious police). I honestly think that roughly HALF, if not more of the Saudi populace are what you former JWs would call “PIMO.”
my first thought when seeing this headline was; "how could trump be right?
" even though i am registered as a republican, i don't really care for trump.
after reading the article, i still don't care for trump, but i had never considered many of the points brought out by the article.. january 17, 2018. what i learned in the peace corps in africa: trump is right.
@ Love Uni:
The point I was trying to make was the exact opposite. Simply, that while taking advantage of their cheap oil, we’ve IGNORED those very things you just listed: oppression of gays, women & non-Saudi guest workers. If you read my previous post, you’ll see that I mentioned the fact that we did not “hold their feet to the fire” on those various issues throughout the 20th century. It’s not OUR FAULT that they were stuck in 14th century Wahabbism when we found oil there in 20th century, and it’s not nessecarily our fault that they are still, culturally, in the 14th century. However, after the big American oil bust of the late 1970s, I personally think that we should have dealt more responsibly with the Saudi royalty, by demanding that in return for our oil dollars, they must reform their country, and allow their people greater freedom. We made such demands of the Soviets (“tear down this wall”), and we sure as hell should’ve done the same, especially considering that MOST of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi. In short, if we REALLY want to stop the spread of radical Islam, then we either tell them to get their shit together, or we’ll drill our own (they can fuk’n DRINK it, for all I care). We WERE drilling our own, until the Saudis lowered the price of oil. They wanted to hurt the Russian oil economy, which they did...but in the process it got us ‘re-addicted’ to their cheap oil.
Here are some good reads on the subject of Saudi’s medieval system & how it contrasts with the techicsl modernization they’ve enjoyed through dealings eith western powers, if you are interested:
my first thought when seeing this headline was; "how could trump be right?
" even though i am registered as a republican, i don't really care for trump.
after reading the article, i still don't care for trump, but i had never considered many of the points brought out by the article.. january 17, 2018. what i learned in the peace corps in africa: trump is right.
....”by far the way” I didn’t type it like that! Or didn’t mean too. Well, I’m standing outside on a cold airport ramp. Must’ve fat-fingered it.